Hi everyone!
Maybe it's because we spend so much time thinking about and getting ready for the holiday season, but January always seems to zoom by in the blink of an eye. It's almost the end of the month and our birthday edge-to-edge sale is almost over. If you've been putting off finishing some projects, E2E at 1.7 cents/sq. in. might just be the deal you need to get those finishes rolling in. Scroll down for the promo details.
January, of course, means the Road to California Quilt Show, which happened this past weekend. I was in Europe last year when Road was on so I didn't get to go, but I got the feeling this year that the show is still working its way out of pandemic weirdness and perhaps isn't back to its usual self. Maybe the pandemic has changed things for good ... we shall have to wait and see. I did have fun walking all the vendor exhibits and looking at all the lovely fabric, neat gadgets, and fancy machines. I want to do more applique work this year, so I bought a lovely pair of scissors for detail work. It's important to be kind to your hands! Of course, the main reason to go to Road is to see all the spectacular quilts, so ... if you weren't able to make it to Road this year, here are a few quilty pics.
My friend, the lovely and talented Jennifer Jones Kerr, had a quilt exhibited at Road this year--it's the gorgeous songbird floral, and there were so many other lovelies to look at. I was completely blown away by the micro quilts. The first picture below of the purple and grey pineapple quilt is called Sharp Dressed Man by Amy Pabst. It's 13" x 13" and has 5,700 pieces. Yes, 5,700 pieces in 13 square inches. Absolutely amazing. There were a dozen or more micro quilts on display, and my hat is off to every single one of those quilters. Spectacular thread painting, fancy borders and bindings, incredible invisible applique, and of course, amazing quilting everywhere you looked. If you're anywhere in the area in So Cal in January, definitely set aside some time to hit the Road!
Side note ... whoever thought it was a good idea to "decorate" the quilt aisles with potted palms ... no. Not a good idea at all. And why can't the Road organizers put the quilt info on a stand separate from the quilt (as the Long Beach show did last August), rather than paper clipping it to the quilt? Don't obscure the art!
Birthday Promo Details: January 17 is my birthday, so right now edge-to-edge quilting is only 1.7 cents! Here's how it works:
Discounted rate applies only to edge-to-edge quilting on quilts booked and paid through January 31, 2023.
If your quilt isn't quite finished, you can bring it in anytime until March 31, 2023, but you must book and pay for your quilting in January to receive the discounted rate.
One discounted quilt per customer. Do you have a big quilt you've been dreading quilting? This is the sale for you.
The discounted rate is built into the online form to Design Your Quilt, so you can enter your quilt info there to see an instant quote. You can pay online using the form if you wish, but you can also skip that and pay for your quilting in person if you're local.
No customer batting can be used on discounted quilts. Choose your batting from any of my lovely Quilters Dream battings.
You can choose any of my hundreds of quilting patterns. As always, there is no rate increase for complex patterns or dense quilting.
If you have questions about having a quilt longarm quilted, book a free, no-obligation quilt consult, or just give me a call. I'm happy to talk quilting anytime!