For the first quarter of 2021 (and most of the last quarter of 2020), we've been getting ready to launch the site, and that time is here. I hope that you enjoy browsing the products that I love. There is a glorious rainbow of beautiful Glide thread available. Check out the Fabulous Four and Seven Spools stash builder subscriptions if you're like me and you always want to have just the right thread on hand. We have some gorgeous fabrics for you to browse through as well.
Millie (my APQS longarm) and I are excited to help with your quilting creations. We've tried to make the decision-making process super easy with the Design My Quilt page, but we love to talk quilts, so if you'd rather make your design choices in consultation, we've also included the ability to book a call or video chat. If you're local, we can talk in person too; just know that we're still observing COVID safe distancing--because even though vaccines are happening and are wonderful, variants are still a thing, and we need to continue to protect each other!
About the title of this post: I make no secret of it. I'm a fan of the Hamilton musical. I couldn't pick a favorite part if I tried, but lyrics from the songs creep into my lexicon all the time. When I start a project lately, I look at it and think "OK, so we're doing this," from the brilliant Ten Duel Commandments. Let's do this!